Cascading failures in power grids
Hines P, Balasubramaniam K, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Cascading failures in power grids." IEEE Potentials. 28(5):24-30 (2009)
Hines P, Balasubramaniam K, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Cascading failures in power grids." IEEE Potentials. 28(5):24-30 (2009)
Hines P, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Blumsack S. "Do topological models provide good information about electricity infrastructure vulnerability?." Chaos. 20(3) (2010)
Cotilla-Sanchez E, Hines PDH, Barrows C, Blumsack S. "Comparing the topological and electrical structure of the North American electric power infrastructure." IEEE Systems Journal. 6(4):616-626 (2012)
Cotilla-Sanchez E, Hines P, Danforth CM. "Predicting critical transitions from time series synchrophasor data." IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 3(4):1832-1840 (2012)
Cotilla-Sanchez E, Hines PDH, Barrows C, Blumsack S, Patel M. "Multi-attribute partitioning of power networks based on electrical distance." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 28(4):4979-4987 (2013)
Ghanavati G, Hines PDH, Lakoba TI, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Understanding early indicators of critical transitions in power systems from autocorrelation functions." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 61(9):2747-2760 (2014)
Armstrong S, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Kovaltchouk T. "Assessing the impact of the grid-connected pacific marine energy center wave farm." IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 3(4):1011-1020 (2015)
Song J, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Hines PDH, Ghanavati G. "Dynamic modeling of cascading failure in power systems." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 31(3):2085-2095 (2015)
Bialek B, Ciapessoni E, Cirio D, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Dent C, Dobson I, Henneaux P, Hines P, Jardim J, Miller S, Panteli M, Papic M, Pitto A, Quiros-Tortos J, Wu D. "Benchmarking and validation of cascading failure analysis tools." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 31(6):4887-4900 (2016)
DuPont B, Azam R, Proper S, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Hoyle C, Piacenza J, Oryschchyn D, Zitney S, Bossart S. "An optimization framework for decision making in large, collaborative energy supply systems." ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology. 138(5):051601 (2016)
McCamish B, Meier R, Landford J, Bass RB, Chiu D, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "A backend framework for the efficient management of power system measurements." Electric Power Systems Research. 140:797-805 (2016)
McCamish B, Kulkarni J, Ke Z, Harpool S, Huo C, Brekken T, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Zhang J, von Jouanne A, Yokochi A. "A rapid PMU-based load composition and PMU estimation method." Electric Power Systems Research. 143:44-52 (2016)
Lassetter C, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Kim J. "A learning scheme for microgrid reconnection." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 33(1):691-700 (2018)
Purvine E, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Halappanavar M, Huang Z, Lin G, Lu S, Wang S. "Comparative study of clustering techniques for real‐time dynamic model reduction." Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal. 10(1):263-276 (2017)
Munoz JP, Magana ME, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Adaptive server–client unscented Kalman filter for grid voltage frequency estimation." IET Signal Processing, 12(4):496-505 (2018)
Aksoy SG, Purvine E, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Halappanavar M. "A generative graph model for electrical infrastructure networks." Journal of Complex Networks, (7)1:128-162 (2018)
Wu C, Magana ME, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Dynamic frequency and amplitude estimation for three-phase unbalanced power Systems using the unscented Kalman filter." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 68(9):3387-3395 (2019)
Piacenza JR, Faller KJ, Bozorgirad MA, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Hoyle C, Tumer IY. "Understanding the Impact of Decision Making on Robustness During Complex System Design: More Resilient Power Systems." ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 6(2):021001 (2020)
Cicilio P, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Evaluating Measurement-Based Dynamic Load Modeling Techniques and Metrics." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 35(3):1805-1811 (2020)
Cicilio P, Orosz M, Mueller A, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "uGrid: Reliable Minigrid Design and Planning Toolset for Rural Electrification." IEEE Access. (7):163988-163999 (2019)
Johnson B, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Estimating the Impact of Ocean Wave Energy on Power System Reliability with a Well-Being Approach." IET Renewable Power Generation,(14)4:608-615 (2019)
Johnson B, Chalishazar V, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Brekken TKA. "A Monte Carlo methodology for earthquake impact analysis on the electrical grid." Electric Power Systems Research, (184):106332 (2020)
Papic M, Ekisheva S, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "A Risk-Based Approach to Assess the Operational Resilience of Transmission Grids." Applied Sciences. 10(14):4761 (2020)
Cicilio P, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Vaagensmith B, Gentle J. "Transmission hosting capacity of distributed energy resources." IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 12(2):794-801 (2021)
Johnson B, Gibson N, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "A Coupled Karhunen-Loève and Anisotropic Sparse Grid Interpolation Method for the Probabilistic Load Flow Problem" Electric Power Systems Research, (193):107044 (2021)
Cicilio P, Glennon D, Mate A, Barnes A, Chalishazar V, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Vaagensmith B, Gentle J, Rieger C, Wies R, Kapourchali MH. "Resilience in an Evolving Electrical Grid" Energies, 14(3):694 (2021)
De Silva S, Kim J, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Hagan T. "On PMU Data Integrity under GPS Spoofing Attacks: A Sparse Error Correction Framework." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36(6):5317-5332 (2021)
Weinmann R, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Brekken TKA. "Toward Models of Impact and Recovery of the US Western Grid from Earthquake Events." Energies. 15(24):9275 (2022)
Hagan T, Senaratne D, Meier R, Cotilla-Sanchez E, Kim J. "Implementing Power System Protection Algorithms in a Digital Hardware-in-the-Loop Substation." IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, 14(8) (2022)
Alanazi F, Kim J, Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Load Oscillating Attacks of Smart Grids: Vulnerability Analysis." IEEE Access, 11 (2023)
Cotilla-Sanchez E. "Modeling Cascading Failures in Power Systems: Quasi-Steady-State Models and Dynamic Models." In: Sun K. (eds), Cascading Failures in Power Grids. Power Electronics and Power Systems. Springer, Cham., (2024)
Talk at UC San Francisco, Department of Testing, San Francisco, California
Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA
Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK
Conference proceedings talk at Testing Institute of America 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA